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The Prestige is a 2006 film directed by Christopher Nolan.
Set in the nineteenth century, this film follows Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman), his beloved wife Julia McCullough (Piper Perabo), and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) who are all friends and assistants of a magician in London. When Julia dies inadvertently during a performance, Robert holds Alfred responsible for her death, and the two become enemies. Both become famous rival magicians, their only meaning in life is trying to ruin the other's stage act. When Alfred pulls off a successful trick, Robert gets consumed with learning his competitor's secret, which has tragic results.
As soon as the movie starts, everything we need to know is right in front of our eyes. From its opening moments, the film drops carefully placed hints regarding its mystery yet it was able to successfully manage to hide the big secret from the viewers.
Overall, this movie was extremely captivating from the moment it started and the whole way through. Every moment, wether major or minor, builds up to a film of heartbreaking betrayal and passionate emotion which everyone should experience at least once.